Friday, July 17, 2009

summer baseball games

I love going to baseball games. So far this summer I've been to two Nationals games - one against the Atlanta Braves (my fave team!) and the other against the Cubs. Unfortunately both times the teams I rooted for (1st time Braves, 2nd time Nats) lost, but the weather was so fantastic that I didn't complain. The Nationals Stadium is absolutely great; it's easy to get to on the metro, beer is plentiful and of course the hot dogs are delicious. I actually love sitting higher up or in the outfield when I go, not only because I'm broke ($20 seats baby), but also the breeze is perfect and there is always so much to see.

Hands down, best part of a Nats game: THE PRESIDENTS RACE. (Apparently Teddy never wins - check out the blog.) I'm posting a video from an older race when Teddy get's tackled by the B'more Oriole -- soo funny!

Presidents Race: Orioles Bird tackles Teddy Roosevelt from Presidents Race on Vimeo.

Here is a fun photo of my lovely friend Courtney at the Nats v. Braves game enjoying my favorite beer, Bud Light Lime! (I'm honestly not lying, I love love love it... and no I'm not crazy)

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