Tuesday, February 16, 2010

parami (perfections)

I became fascinated by Buddhist philosophy after living at a Buddhist nunnery and retreat center for two weeks while I studied abroad in Australia.
  1. May I be generous and helpful.
  2. May I be well-disciplined and refined in manners. May I be pure and clear in all my dealings. May my thoughts, words and deeds be pure.
  3. May I not be selfish and self-possessive but selfless and disinterested. May I be able to sacrifice my pleasure for the sake of others.
  4. May I be wise and be able to see things as they truly are. May I see the light of truth and lead others from darkness to light. May I be enlightened and be able to enlighten others.
  5. May I be energetic, vigorous and persevering.
  6. May I be ever patient. May I be able to bear and forbear the wrongs of others. May I ever be tolerant and see the good and beautiful in all.
  7. May I ever be truthful and honest. May I not hide the truth to be polite. May I never swerve from the path of truth.
  8. May I be firm and resolute and have an iron will. May I be soft as a flower and firm as a rock.
  9. May I ever be kind, friendly and compassionate.
  10. May I ever be calm, serene, unruffled and peaceful. May I gain a balanced mind. May I have perfect equanimity.
May I serve to be perfect.
May I be perfect to serve.

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