Thursday, March 5, 2009

best pig in the world

These are videos of my lil Frenchie, Cricket. He unfortunately passed away due to health issues, but I loved him very much. Thinking about him always makes me happy, though it's bittersweet. I hope you find him as adorable as I did.

cricket's lil waddle

cricket playing in the grass

the last one actually isn't cricket, but it reminds me of him.
green dress / la robe verte


  1. Hi hi, I found your blog through "Jackson's World". Cricket is really cute! I am actually in the process of looking for a Frenchie now. Would you be interested in telling me about owning a French bulldog? I'm trying to do as much research as I can right now, but I unfortunately don't know many owners in my area.

    (I couldn't find your e-mail, so I'm leaving a blog comment. I hope this works...)

  2. Hi there, owning a Frenchie is lots of work. I researched for 2 years before actually buying Cricket from a good breeder. Unfortunately, he still had serious health problems and passed away this past January at only 18months old. He suffered from back problems and canine epilepsy... but he was still so happy and fun to be with even though he was suffering.

    Frenchies require lots of physical attention -- they absolutely HATE to be alone, I used to feel so guilty about leaving him because he would always look so sad. Whenever I was out all I could think about was getting back to make sure he wasn't lonely anymore! Most Frenchies will give off a serious attitude when they aren't getting their way. Cricket also loved to play fetch but like most frenchies, its hard for them to breathe so he would tire fairly quickly. I could never walk him more than a mile (I usually had to carry him the last 1/4), so long walks or jogs were out of the question. He absolutely loved to snuggle and would sleep with me every night if I could stand the snoring. (Even when he wasn't in bed with me I still had to sleep with earplugs because he snored so loudly!)

    A lot of Frenchies also have allergies. I only fed Cricket organic and veterinary (read: super expensive) dog food and most other owners do the same. If they're eating a diet with lots of cornmeal they typically have skin problems and are very lethargic. They need grade A food.

    Cricket was incredibly loyal and funny even when he wasn't feeling well - I loved him so much and miss him everyday. He did cost a lot of money though - I paid $2,000 for him, and my family ended up helping me with the $16,000+ I had to pay in medical bills. (That doesn't include neuter, toys/supplies or food.)

    I honestly think Frenchies should be owned by people who work from home or can take them to work because they are so people oriented and devoted. Also because the majority of them do suffer from costly health and breathing problems, you have to be committed and able to supporting your beloved pet to the end. (My mom wanted me to give Cricket away for adoption but I simply couldn't -- he was my responsibility and I couldn't abandon him (my friends used to joke that he was obsessed with me)). Definitely get premium pet health insurance.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions!
